Welcome to the Historic Presbyterian Cemetery-Where Lynchburg’s History is buried! We hope you and your team will enjoy this fun fall activity.

All scavenger hunt proceeds benefit the Friends of the Historic Presbyterian Cemetery. The Friends partner with the cemetery to preserve, restore, enhance, and share the rich history that is located here.

Please read the instructions below carefully.

Your scavenger hunt packet includes a self-guided keepsake map, a list of Saints, Saying, and Symbols to identify, an answer sheet, and a brochure. Please provide your contact information on the answer sheet so we may contact you if you are the winner. If you are with a group, don’t forget to include the names of your team members. You will need one packet per team.

Each question will take you in a different part of the cemetery but you will stay within the “upper” area for the entire hunt. Keep your eyes open and pay close attention to your surroundings. Your answer might be hiding in plain sight!

  • Some of the symbols and sayings might be found in multiple locations.
  • Please remember this is an active burial ground. There may be friends and family here visiting loved ones so please be respectful of their presence.
  • The road is not wide enough to “go around” in a vehicle so we ask that you park in the designated spots near the office.
  • This hunt includes walking over uneven ground. Please wear appropriate footwear and be aware slopes, possible muddy paths and steps.
  • Please DO NOT climb on tombstones or any statues in the cemetery.

Share your adventure on social media using #LynchburgsHistoryIsHere and #Presbyteriancemetery. Find us on Instagram @HistoricPresbyterianCemetery and on Facebook Presbyteriancemeteryva. 10 bonus points will be given for posting a photo on Instagram with the hashtag #LynchburgsHistoryIsHere

The winners will be announced on Monday, November 26, 2018 on Facebook and Instagram. The winner will be notified via email. If you need hints check out our Facebook page.

You may answer as many or few as you like. Each answer has a specific point value. The top 3 entries will receive prizes. All entry forms must be submitted online or placed in the box outside the cemetery office by 5:00pm Sunday, November 25. Please make sure to provide your contact information so that you can be notified.

"*" indicates required fields

Name the Saint
5 points each
Sayings - List the name on the Tombstone
10 points each
Anchor with a Dove
Open Book
Obelisk with broken top
Angel of Grief
Infant is a shell
Crossed swords
Draped Urn
Bundle of wheat
Mortuary Chapel/Holding Tomb
Bonus: Wooden Tombstone - 10 points